Philippe Teston – photographer, observer, monopoly player.

August 22, 2010

Korean Folk Village, aka The Hottest Place On Earth

To break up the monotony of lectures and Korean classes, everyone in the orientation took a field trip to a Korean Folk Village. For those of you in America (specifically New York), you see a lot of tourists from Asia wearing the same thing – t-shirts, polos, what have you. And you make fun of them, or at least I do.

Well, we all wore the same shirts too. Bright blue polo shirts. Do I make fun of myself now?

Anyway, here are the highlights from the Korean Folk Village:

People wrote wishes on small pieces of paper and tied them to ropes that wrapped around large stones. One of them said, “I wish my dad would stop drinking.” Yikes. (Also, apparently we’re not supposed to read them – oops)

We started suffering from the heat around this time.

Our tour guide. Random fact: she graduated from college a while back with a degree in chemistry.

More after the jump.


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