Philippe Teston – photographer, observer, monopoly player.

July 23, 2009

Bohol (Nice Place)

Chocolate Hills

Chocolate Hills

These are the Chocolate Hills of Bohol. They look like anthills, but are actually hundreds of feet high. I think there are thousands of them on the island. No one knows how they were created, but I think my guide said that it was the result of sea erosion millions of years ago. Point is, they’re really weird.

While I was in Bohol, the president of the Philippines, Gloria Magpayal Arroyo (or GMA as they call her here), was visiting the island. Did I see her? No. She was off SCUBA diving or something. Beacuse of this, school was cancelled and kids were everywhere. Here are a few of ’em singing and dancing along to traditional Bohol music, with songs like “Pokerface” (yeah, I know):


Lady GaGa, seriously?

Lady GaGa, seriously?

More after the jump.


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